Saturday, November 22, 2008

I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do with webolution. I've tried to catch up on what everyone's been up to, but have decided that just seems too hard, and I'll just try starting with an update of what I've been doing. As many of you know, my husband Peter does a lot of travel. When he's not travelling we try to do spend some quality time together. Our most recent venture was to Philip Island. We started there and then ended up at the beautiful Metung. There we stayed for 2 beautiful night doing day trips from there.
We visited Buchan Caves which the kids loved, and even took them to the Nowa Nowa Nudes for a cultural experience. My son was particularly unimpressed as Peter and I roamed leisurely through the gallery in an attempt to make our votes count for the peoples choice award. This event, in the middle of Gippsland certainly drew a crowd.

Such a beautiful weekend.

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