Words Words Words  

Friday, November 28, 2008

Well what a lovely way spend an evening, wine, cheese, good company and talking about books. 9 borrowers and10 staff turned up to the event this evening.
A big thankyou to all the staff that got involved in tonights event. It was awesome to see them there. Jo chose some very nice wine and 4 bottles were drunk, And yes it was extremely obvious that I ws nervous with my little speechy thing. But I was comforted when I heard an applause and positive comments made by those listening. I've since volunteered myself to do some talks for Rosemary cos Katie D says practice is the answer to getting over the nerves. Oh no, what have I gotten myself into?
It was amazing to see how people get so excited to talk about a book that has had a real impact on them, and how that then rolls on to the next person who has also had a similar experience.
So many thankyous, with all asking when the next book chat will be. I think this certainly indicates that it was a great success!
Vonnie, you're an angel, thanks so much for your help.

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