Saturday, November 22, 2008

Well it’s been almost three years that I was unable to pick up a book that wasn’t a text book, until I found out that Kate Holden was coming to Hobsons Bay, and to Altona Library. It was the summer break from uni and I thought, bugger it, I’m going to make sure I read it as I didn’t want to know absolutely nothing about the book particularly since I would be having the opportunity to meet the author.

I was captured by only the first few pages, and in only a couple of days I had finished it. Listening to peoples reviews around the place, there didn’t seem to be too much praise for it. This surprised me. Maybe it was the nature of the topics of prostitution and addiction that didn’t appeal. I felt as thought it was more about the journey, the choices and the survival described. The message that life is full of choices, you can choose to go down one way or the other. There’s so much more I could say about the book, but I’ll save it hopefully for a book club opportunity.

Kate Holden did come to the bay, but I wasn’t as fulfilled with her visit as I’d hoped to be. For those who hadn’t read the book, it was great, an extensive and thorough run down on the happenings in the books and the whys and wheres etc, but as someone who had read the book I was really looking for something more in depth.

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