Carry you home  

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My grand mother passed away this year, and I was with her at that moment. Two days after she passed, I had tickets to the James Blunt concert bought months prior. I was in two minds to go, Peter was in Germany and he was supposed to go with me. Almost decided to not go and my wonderful cousin Andrew told me he was going to look after my kids, and told me I should go, that it would do me good.

My girlfriend, who had been supporting me through the last couple of days, came with me. I was loving every moment, and then this song came on, Carry you home (see video clip on side bar). I knew the song was about a soldier dying at war, but hearing it that moment - it was like he was singing about my grand mother. I tried hard not to cry, but I started, then my girlfriend started and we laughed at ourselves, cried some more, it was great therapy.

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