
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hello there partners, welcome to my blog. A great deal of time has passed since I used this blog, and for the purposes of continuing on my personal passion to equip others with the confidence to use such social networking tools I'm deciding to continue.

As I mentioned, we incorporated the activity of creating your own blog, into a Web 2.0 staff training module, in house, lots of fun and has had some serious results. Many have graduated onto other online social networking forums and are now much more confident to direct others in the use of such. This helps greatly to build confidence with their use of databases and the like. I can't recommend it highly enough.

Also, we are in the process of stage 2, familiarising all staff with our databases a bit more. They are quickly embracing the program as their confidence is much greater than it was at the beginning of the first module.

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